Some Ethical and Theological Considerations
although life, from a Christian perspective, is considered a
gift from God, a creation in the image of God, an object of
divine providence, so death also is ordained of God. Even the
time of death and the way in which someone dies are part of
the divine order. [8]
Death is portrayed in the Scriptures in both a negative and
positive light and as a boundary between the human and the
Divine. Clowneys vivid description of death demonstrates
that it is not something to be taken lightly:
The brevity of mans life [stands] in fearful contrast
with Gods eternity
. Deaths shadow flies upon us
and blots out todays sunlight with tomorrows dark-
ness. [9]
Death reminds us that we depend upon God for our exis-
tence (cf. Acts 17:28), and according to Barth it forms a limit
between God and humankind. [10] Although the author of
Psalm 116 begins with a thanksgiving to God for extending
his life, he later declares that the death of Gods people can be
precious in the Lords sight.
These Scriptures lead us to the end-of-life bioethical concept
of a good death (the original and literal meaning of eutha-
nasia). The authors of a book entitled Dying Well describe a
good death in ideal terms,
ending ones days in old age, relieved of disabling
pain, surrounded by friends and family, attended by
sensitive caregivers, reconciled with all persons
peace with God. [11]
Of course, there are many other dynamics to be considered,
such as when death comes in a violent way to the young, etc.
However, if a good death is possible, and if eternal life is
understood as an existence beyond this one, we are faced with